Business Valuation

A professional business valuation in Utah may be a critical need for many businesses. While the purpose of a valuation is to simply establish a dollar figure on the value of a business or business interest, getting to that end result is anything but simple.

What is your business worth?

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Business valuations are complex — requiring thorough investigation, extensive research, and careful analysis of data. However, insightful and professional judgment is also necessary, which is commonly gained through years of training and experience. An objective, proven analyst brings both credibility and impartiality, especially when a company's value may be in dispute.

The RMA team of professionals provides financial reporting, expert analysis, and litigation experience for a variety of business valuation needs. Our specialists have extensive training, experience, and professional designations from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and other organizations in the area of business valuation.

Contact our offices at 801.428.1600

A business valuation from an independent and objective business appraiser who values business owners, business interests, and intangible assets on a regular and routine basis is the most reliable method to determine value. The valuations produced by RMA are defensible, thorough, and based on the cutting edge research and methodologies for valuing business interests or intangible assets.

RMA has a proven track record in providing expert testimony in many litigation situations. We have a solid reputation for objective and defensible work and are well respected in the communities we serve.

Our Business Valuation Utah Services include:

Valuation for business purchases/sales

Purchase price allocation

Goodwill impairment

Valuation of intangible assets

Mergers and acquisitions

Corporate or partnership dissolution or recapitalization


Estate planning

Obtaining financing

Challenges & Solutions

Facing litigation?

Business disputes require experts with technical knowledge, testifying experience, and a solid reputation; RMA’s valuation experts regularly provide expert opinions and testimony for valuing businesses or calculating losses related to business interruptions.

Plan to raise financial capital?

Most venture capitalists or prospective investors will likely require an independent and objective appraisal.

Financial reporting for acquisitions or impairment?

Auditors frequently require independent appraisers to value intangible assets and test for impairment. An independent appraiser accustomed to these issues and working with your auditors will help the process go smoothly.To meet ERISA and IRS requirements and establish a fair stock price, an independent appraiser must value private companies annually.

Selling, acquiring or merging a business?

A successful transaction will include outside help to set a fair price and structure payments terms to meet the needs of all parties.